Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Banana Pancakes and The Dreaded Flu

If you haven't heard by now let me tell you, the flu is bad this year. Sadly, in spite of all my efforts I am one of its victims. It hit me like a tidal wave Monday afternoon. I left my internship early thinking I was just in a funk and needed sleep. No one in my apartment, me included, had the forethought to bring a thermometer to college so I had no idea if I had a fever or not. I was planning on doing a workout the next morning and then going to the doctor just in case I was sick. Thankfully my teammates, mom, and coach stopped me from doing that and I went to the doctor at the track that night instead.

Now I'm taking tamaflu, trying not to take a deep breath so my chest doesn't explode, and rotating between doses of Tylenol and Advil. I'm quarantined for at least 48 hours the doctor said. It's been a lonely time but I've also been able to catch up on a lot of extra work so maybe it's a blessing in disguise. (The Lord knows best).

I'm worried about not being able to train much this week and having indoor conference the week after. But, I know that rest is necessary to get and remain healthy so I'm just going to trust that I have enough base training to get through this period.

On the food side of things, I've been subsisting on soup, oatmeal, and popsicles. While I love all these things I needed a little diversity today and I have been craving pancakes ever since my boyfriend picked up pancake mix at Aldi last week.

Since I can't leave my house I searched my kitchen for things I could use to make some pancakes, not having any real "pancake mix." I found applesauce on the go packets, oatmeal (big surprise), an old banana, and some eggs. I also decided to spice them up with some cinnamon sugar spice mix and vanilla extract. I used coconut oil to cook them in a skillet and oh were they delicious.

I topped my pancakes with cashew butter, honey (the doctor told me I could go crazy with honey this week so I said okay), and some chia seeds.

Tamaflu can be pretty hard on the stomach, or at least on my stomach, so I've been trying to eat bland foods this week. Last night I think I almost died from indigestion because I ate tomato sauce. My pancakes were just what I needed and I hope they can make you happy as well!

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