Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What's in my Cart the Week Before Spring Break!

Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry I have been absent these past few days! My school work just caught up to me and I was very busy this weekend and kind of just in a funk. I didn't really feel like recording my cooking so I took a break. But I'm back!!

Since this is the last week of school before spring break my motivation level is minimal. It also means that I didn't really need to buy that much food from the grocery store. I plan on living off the few things I bought and whatever else I can find in my pantry. I'm not going anywhere for the actual week of spring break as I will be training for our first outdoor track meet. However, I will be going this Thursday through Sunday to camp with my parents. I can't wait. I haven't been camping in years and it will be so fun!

On Sunday I shopped at Aldi and they had some great deals. Their avocados were only 69 cents a piece! That's unheard of. They also have my favorite salsa for $1.40 and it comes in a huge jar. My cart contained the following: tortilla chips, snyders pretzel pieces (I have a weakness for these), orange juice, hazelnut k-cups, macaroni, salsa, three avocados, bananas, a mango, blueberries, ground beef, and purity organic juice. I wanted to try the purity juice because I've heard its delicious. It was a small cart I know but it was all I needed.

I planned on making tacos this week and mac and cheese and of course gobbling up those avocados! I also have some frozen chicken in the freezer and some frozen veggies so I will probably make those this week. Another thing I usually always have is pesto so I can make some pesto noodle dish if I'm feelin it.

That night my Chris and I made the macaroni, well more like he made it. There are a few dishes he is really proud of making and I guess Mac n Cheese is one of them. He wanted to buy Velveeta cheese to add to it and I said absolutely not.

We used the cheese I had in my fridge and I honestly thought it was still delicious. It wasn't the healthiest as we used an entire stick of butter (call me Paula Dean) but I added some roasted broccoli to it just to get some greens in. I sent the leftovers home with Chris so he wouldn't starve while I'm gone camping.

This week I probably won't be cooking anything too interesting, but when I get to my parents camp site we will be cooking up some of that good good stuff. I will be sure to write about the best meals for camping and I can't wait to share it with you guys! By the way, where is your favorite place to camp?!

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