Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Weekend Recap: Gate River Run and Fishing

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I hope you guys all had a great weekend! I'm gearing up for spring break next week so this past weekend was like a taste of freedom, but not enough. I do have to say that I indulged myself a bit too much on Saturday and Sunday. I didn't really cook any healthy food and I ate out a lot. However, it was a much needed time of relaxation. I don't like to stress out about days where I don't eat the best because if I do I start to obsess about my diet, which is NOT healthy. I know that I have a generally healthy diet and that indulging a bit isn't going to kill me.

Also I worked pretty hard this weekend as it started off with a race! Well, I didn't really race it, but I ran the Gate River Run in Jacksonville with Chris for our long run. The Gate, which I've never run before, is a 15 kilometer race through downtown Jacksonville and the San Marco area. It takes you over two bridges as well (Jacksonville is kind of famous for its bridges). 

It was such a fun race and I plan on racing it next year! Sadly, I got the time wrong and so Chris and I arrived late. We actually started after the last wave of runners had begun so we were running with the strollers and walkers. We worked our way up but there were so many people! As we ran through the neighborhoods the crowd would thicken and slow us to a jog, but either way it was a blast. They had live music stations set up and people handing out water and food. It was a great coming together of the Jacksonville community and it's actually the national 15k championship so there were some impressive professional runners there as well. 

I actually think my favorite part was the fact that we started with the people who walk instead of run. I'm usually so focused and intense for races that I forgot how fun it can be and these people reminded me that running is actually fun. Of course, I love to run, but the fact that so many people signed up just to enjoy time exercising and being together really got to me. 

After the Gate River Run Chris's friend from Tampa came up to visit. I didn't want to impose myself but Chris invited me to hang with them as well. We had this great plan to rent kayaks from the university and go fishing. It was so much fun and I realized just how cool my mom's old car is (now my car). I had never tried to put anything on top of it but now I will! 

We went to the river and got underway fishing. I have only fished once in my life so I was hoping to catch something. Luck was not with us that day, though, as no one caught anything. It was also a pretty dreary day out but we made the best of it. 

Afterwards we went to this local seafood restaurant and ate a bunch of fried seafood. Honestly, it was delicious. Not the healthiest, but still really yummy. They have this option where they will cook the fish you catch too! I want to go back and try my hand at fishing so we can go back there and I can eat my own fish. 

Sunday was a beautiful day but I had so much homework to do. I decided to set up shop at a local doughnut and coffee shop called Good Dough. It is far away from where I live but their food and coffee is totally worth the drive. I ordered a brown butter doughnut. a matcha doughnut, and a mocha ice latte. I also went to the grocery store on Sunday and made mac'n'cheese with Chris which you can read about here

This next weekend I will be camping with my parents and I can't wait to update you guys on all the fun things we do and the food we make! Look forward to it! 

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