Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Banana Blueberry Oats and Big News!

Here is my breakfast from Monday! I made banana blueberry oats and they were so yummy! They had the perfect consistency and just enough protein to carry me over to lunch. I made them by combining 1/2 cup of rolled instant oats with 1 cup of almond milk and half a cut up banana. I heated this mixture up for about 1 minute and 30 seconds. Afterwards, I stirred it so the banana mixed into the oats and added my toppings. I added cinnamon, chia seeds, mixed nuts, frozen blueberries, and almond butter. I like to add frozen fruit because they don't get as mushy as fast and it just adds another yummy texture.

This is a great breakfast for any morning where you are feeling rushed. It took me less than five minutes to make and I devoured it in probably even less time. Thanks to the nuts and nut butter I got enough protein in to fill me up. I would also suggest this for anyone that struggles making it to lunch without a few snacks in between.

Big News!

I know this is a short blog post, and while the point of it is to share this super yummy breakfast meal, I also wanted to introduce a new aspect about atypicalappetite to you guys!

In addition to writing about ways to eat healthy/balanced food, I want to keep you guys updated with my running as well as my spiritual journey. It is so early into my blog that I don't want to say I'm rebranding, but rather I am just adding to my brand.

I chose the name atypical appetite thinking that it fits perfectly with how I want to be seen by the world. I don't want to conform to the world and eat all the unhealthy processed foods that are so common nowadays. As I continued thinking about living an atypical life, I thought about how God calls us to live apart from the world. He calls us to live lives that show his light to the world. He does not want us to conform to the world either. In the bible God says we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-16). As the salt of the earth we are called to share his gospel to everyone we can. How can we do that if we ourselves have a typical appetite for the things of this world. We must have an atypical appetite for the things of God.

So I write all this and I make this connection with the name of my blog to say that I am going to share my spiritual journey with you guys. I hope that I can gain guidance from you and maybe even help someone who may be struggling. I hope we can all learn to have atypical appetites and nonconforming attitudes toward the things of this world. Thanks for going on this journey with me!!

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